Pro Tips For Photography

Don’t you just love photography? It’s one of the most fun yet hilarious things I’ve done that has to do with blogging. A number of times Mum has told me to get my blanket and put it away from where I left it- the optimum lighting position in the kitchen. I recently got a brand new camera from an insanely generous family friend, a Nikon D7100, and ever since I’ve been taking a bunch of fun photos everywhere. During this sudden ‘OMG how amazing is photography this camera is my baby’ phase, I’ve learned a lot about photography and some pro tips.

Some Of My Favourite Photos I’ve Taken Recently

  • If you’re taking a flat lay photo, try to not take the photo in the glaring sun. Your best bet is to take these photos on a cloudy day where you are not as likely to have definite shadows or really bright sunshine. Try to take it near a window where the light circulates almost all around you, so the lighting looks even and natural.
  • If you just want to take a camera around with you anywhere and take a photo when you see something interesting, try to take full advantage of the zooming feature on your camera (unless you’re using your phone, the zoom quality is really bad there!) instead of getting closer to the object. My camera especially actually has a surround sensor and won’t take any photos if there’s something too close. You don’t want to take forever to take a photo of something, because if you’re taking too long with focus etc. the opportunity for the photo may already be gone.
  • Have lots of fun with it! Make up your own rules. The reason photography-sharing sites have been so popular for so long is because people love looking at other people’s ideas and personality through a camera lens. If all you want to do with your camera is play around with all the buttons and see what happens, then go for it! If you love floral pics, go crazy and hunt down every cool flower you can find! Photography is one of the best ways to express yourself and it can be for everyone- not just a super experienced professional.

What are your tips for photography?

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14 thoughts on “Pro Tips For Photography

      1. Always welcome huni!!! Just spotted a wee email from you hiding in my aboandoned email inbox tonight – haven’t forgotten to reply just trying to squeeze a wee hour in to get all sorted at once so expect an email back from me soon huni *hugs*XXX

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